Fine Arts

Contact Information
Jennifer Holliday
Director of Fine Arts, Gifted & Talented, and Grants
500 N. Academy Street, Building D
Kingstree, SC 29556
Phone: 843-355-5571 ext. 6112
The Fine Arts Department of Williamsburg County School District serves schools in the Visual Art, Music, Theater and Dance Curricular content areas in grades Kindergarten through 12th Grade. Arts instruction is aligned to the 2017 South Carolina College and Career Ready Standards for Visual and Performing Arts. Arts are part of a well-balanced education, providing learners with essential skills and knowledge they need to be college, career, and community ready citizens.
District Schools are filled with developing musicians and artists! Please refer to your local school's calendar or fine arts website for more information concerning concerts and fine arts events.
Studies show that students involved in the arts tend to be better performers in school. If music is not your thing, join one of our fabulous visual art, theater, or dance programs. Our students consistently earn distinction at state level and we take pride in placing our student center-stage. So strike up the band, take up the brush, or cue the spotlight, your future beckons.