English Language Arts
The programs of the English Language Arts curriculum in Williamsburg County School district are developed and taught using the SC College and Career Ready Standards as provided by the South Carolina State Department of Education.
Using the SC Standards, WCSD has developed a rigorous curriculum to ensure the following for students:
- Student learning takes top priority.
- The written curriculum is analyzed and correlated with state and district standards.
- The written curriculum adequately addresses important 21st century skills such as college and career readiness skills.
- Alignment between the written, taught, and tested curriculum generates reliability in producing students who reflect the mission of Williamsburg County School District.
World Language Program
Currently, Williamsburg County School District offers Spanish I and II at Hemingway High School and Kingstree High School.

Contact Information
Angela McClary-Rush (Fred)
Literacy Coordinator & Social Studies
Williamsburg County School District
500 North Academy St.
Kingstree, SC 29556
Phone: 843.355.5571 ext. 7106
Thomas Loner
Literacy Coach & Social Studies Support
Williamsburg County School District
500 North Academy St.
Kingstree, SC 29556
Phone: 843.355.5571 ext. 7107